51 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Wow, I love your blog. It resonates deeply with how I have always felt about life, the universe and everything. Keep doing what you do. I look forward to following.

  2. Thank you for the follow. Very interesting blog…I am looking forward to reading your posts in return!

    Keith Maginn, author
    Goodwill Tour: Paying It Forward
    & Turning This Thing Around

  3. Hi!
    I’ve just stumbled upon this blog and really think it’s amazing. I love what you’re trying to achieve. I’m curious as to show Spiritbath came about? how long have you been around for, where you’re based, the idea behind it etc!


  4. Thank you for the post on purpose, I really needed it. Thank you for following my blog as well, I hope that you enjoy my poetry. ~ Michael

  5. Hey,

    Thanks a whole bunch for following my blog. Sorry it took me a bit of time to do the same for yours. I’m quite determined to make known my pursuits of kindness to others, along with things I have written, for I am an aspiring writer as well. 🙂

    From what I’m seeing (can’t do much as I’m at work now), it looks like you have a great bunch of topics to share, and I look forward to reading through them!

    God Bless you!

    • Thanks so much for the warm comment. We certainly wish you all the very best in your pursuit. We look forward to following – and thanks for the follow here. Very best to you and yours!

  6. I’m so grateful that you started following our blog because it brought us to your blog, which is beautiful, wonderful and exactly what I needed. Sometimes the Universe brings you what you need. thanks for sharing such motivating and beautiful things

    • Well thank you so much. And we certainly agree that the universe brings you what you need. Probably all the time! We just can’t always recognize it at the time. Blessings to you!!!

  7. HI there!

    Thank you so much for following my blog – I really appreciate it!

    I hope you enjoy everything on my site.


  8. Thank you for the follow on my blog. I was delighted to check you out and see such a wonderful place. We have a similar mission. I hope to touch hearts one bite size story at a time. Peace

    • WOW!!! Thank you so very much!! We decided a few months ago not to accept awards, but the feeling behind it is wonderful and we couldn’t be more flattered. You rock!! Blessings and light!

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